ATF NFRTR Letter Requesting Removal of a SBR/SBS Title 2 Status Generator

If you have a title 2 SBR/SBS you can return that SBR/SBS back to a title 1 rifle or shotgun.  In order to do this you will need to send a letter to the ATF requesting the removal of your SBR or SBS from their records.  Converting your title 2 SBR/SBS back to it's original state is that simple.  Many people might want to sell the upper to a buyer and want to keep the lower for another build.  This is just one scenario that we have come across recently.  We have created a sample letter that you can use to send to the ATF to request the removal of the title 2 status.  Note it is recommended to send your letter either certified or with tracking information from  USPS.

ATF NFRTR Letter Requesting Removal of a SBR/SBS Title 2 Status Generator Below:

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