Shrink the Size of your NFA Gun Trust for the ATF eForm Site Walk-Through Guide

If you are going to use the ATF's eForm 1 application process to apply for your ATF 5320.1 Form tax stamp, you will need to make sure your NFA Gun Trust is under 3mb or less.  This is due to the upload limitations that the ATF has set for their eForm's website.  The process that we use to shrink or compress the .PDF version of trust paperwork uses the Adobe Acrobat Software.  We have created a walk-through guide for this process.  Note: Adobe Acrobat Software or the Free Adobe Acrobat Reader is required for this process.

Download the Free Adobe Acrobat Reader Software

Step 1: Open Adobe Acrobat Software.  Open the Adobe Acrobat Software this is either Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Acrobat Reader. 

Step 2:  You will need to open your .PDF.  To do this you can navigate to the menu bar, select File - Open.

Step 3: Navigate to Your Saved NFA Gun Trust. Navigate to where you have your NFA Gun Trust stored at.  You will be presented with a navigation box that will allow you to navigate to where your NFA Gun Trust is located on your computer.  

Step 4: Verify Trust Information and Document.  Once your scanned notarized, dated and signed trust has loaded verify that this is the correct NFA Gun Trust paperwork that you want to reduce.  Note: If your amendments aren't included in the scanned version you may have to rescan them into your computer again.  This is partly due to the fact that the Free Adobe Acrobat Reader doesn't allow you to merge .PDF documents.  If you have the Adobe Acrobat version you are able to merge .PDF documents into one document.   

Step 5: Save As Reduced Size .PDF.  You will now need to save your the .PDF version of your NFA Gun Trust into a reduced file size that is suitable to upload to the ATF eForm site.  To do so, you will navigate to the menu bar, select File - Save As Other - Reduced Size PDF.  This will open a prompt where you can select the version to save the Reduced Sized .PDF as.  You can select the Retain Existing and select Okay. 

Step 6: Select the Saving Destination.  You will see a prompt, that will allow you to save your Reduced Size .PDF to the destination of your choice. 

Step 7: Verify Your NFA Gun Trust.  The last step is to verify that your NFA Gun Trust was saved correctly and that the size is under the 3mb limit.  You can do so by navigating to the folder that contains your NFA Gun Trust document.  Locate your NFA Gun Trust document and right click the document.  If you are on a Mac OSX based OS you will click Get Info to verify the size.  If you are on a PC based OS you will click Properties.  If your file size is below 3mb then you are ready to upload your document to your ATF eForm 1 application.  

Information located within this article is current as of December, 2018. Information located within this article is an original guide created by National Gun Trusts and not to be cited or used without the written permission of National Gun Trusts.

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