ATF Form 20 – 5320.20 Application to Transport NFA Firearms Walk-Through Guide

How to guide and walk-through guide for the ATF Form 5320.20 – ATF 5320.20 Application to Transport NFA Firearms 

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ATF Form 20 Video Walk-Through Guide

Step By Step Walk-Through Guide Below

The ATF Form 20 or the ATF 5320.20 Application to Transport NFA Firearms is required when you are transporting your NFA firearms across state lines or to an address that is different then the address on your ATF Form 4 or ATF Form 1 that contains the ATF Tax Stamp.  Note: If you are transporting your NFA firearms across state lines you need to be aware of the laws, rules and regulations of the state you are transporting to and/or through.  The ATF 5320.20 form can be used for a permanent transportation to a new location or a temporary location.  This is answered in question #2 of the ATF 5320.20.

It is worth noting that after sending this application into the ATF you should receive an approval or disapproval from the ATF within or around 2 weeks to  4 weeks, but it may and can take longer. If you are planning on transporting or permanently moving your NFA firearms you need to be aware of the time frames.  You cannot transport or permanently move any NFA firearms without the approval of the ATF.

As defined by the ATF this form is to be used for:  

"Interstate Movement: If the firearm identified in item 4 is a machinegun, short-barreled rifle, short-barreled shotgun, or destructive device, the registrant may be required by 18 U.S.C. § 922(a)(4) to obtain permission from ATF prior to any transportation in interstate or foreign commerce. ATF E-Form 5320.20 can be used to request this permission."
†Interstate as defined by Merriam-Webster: of, connecting, or existing between two or more states especially of the U.S. interstate commerce.

This doesn't include suppressors, silencers, or AOW's, per their definitions.  We however, recommend to file this form be filled out for every NFA firearm that you are transporting.  To ensure that you aren't breaking any laws.  However, if you are permanently moving your NFA firearm, a.k.a. changing the address of your NFA firearm then you will need to notify the ATF, no matter what NFA firearm class it is.  If you are traveling within the state this form may not be necessary, as every situation may be different.  You can call the ATF to see if your move or transportation requires this from at (304) 616-4500.

"Change of Address: Unless currently licensed under the Gun Control Act, the registrant shall notify the NFA Branch, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, 244 Needy Road, Martinsburg, WV 25405, in writing, of any change to the address in item 2a [2a from ATF Form 4], 2a from ATF Form 4, 3b from ATF Form 1]."

ATF Definition Excerpts taken from the ATF 5320.4 Form 4, but are also included in the ATF 5320.1 Form 1, and the ATF 5320.5 Form 5.

Step by Step Walk-Through Guide for the ATF 5320.20 Application to Transport NFA Firearms. Updated February, 2024 to October, 2019 Revision. 

1. Name and Address of Registered Owner (full name, number, street, city, state and zip code.  This is the owner and address of the NFA item. This is located on your ATF Form 1 or ATF Form 4.  Select your registered owner applicant type.

1a. Telephone Number (include area code). Your telephone number. 

1b. Email AddressYour email address. 

2. Firearms to be returned to original Location. Are you permanently transporting the NFA firearm or is this a temporary transportation of the NFA firearm.

3. Dates firearm (s) will be away from original location, if to be returned to that location, (or dates in transit, if to be permanently relocated).  Fill in the dates that you are going to transport the NFA firearms.  If the move is permanent, you will then indicate the dates that the NFA firearms will be in transit. 

4. Firearm(s) to be Transported (Complete new forms for additional firearms) (All items in columns a-g must be completed by the applicant). In the boxes below you will fill in the information for the NFA firearms that you are transporting or moving.  Note in the manufacturer box if you manufactured the firearm on a ATF Form 1/ATF eForm 1, then you will put the name of the trust here or your individual name.  You won't put "FORM 1 REGISTRATION UNITED STATES, etc.  The ATF will also accept the original manufacturer in that box as well.

5. Mailing Address of Returned Form (if different than Item 1).  This is the address that the approved or denied ATF 5320.20 form will be mailed to, only include this address if the returned address is different than the address in box 1. 

6. Reason for Transportation of Firearms (example: Permanent change of Address).  This is the reason for the transportation and varies from case to case. 

7. Transporting from (number, street, city, county, state, and zip).  The address where the NFA firearm is currently registered at. 

8. Transporting to (number, street, city, county, state, and zip).  The address where the NFA firearm is going to be transferred to. 

9. Mode of Transportation (name and address of carrier, if by common or contract carrier). There any many widely used answers here. But use the mode of transportation, private vehicle, private conveyance, personal conveyance, or the name and address of the carrier being used. 

*Items 10 thru 12 shall be completed if firearm(s) is/are being temporarily exported.* 

Items 10 thru 12 are not commonly used and are self explanatory. 

13. Signature of Owner.  Owners signature. 

14. Date. Date of signature.

*15 thru 17 are filled out and stamped by the ATF. *

Mail your BATFE paperwork to:

National Firearms Act Branch
Director, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives,
244 Needy Road, Martinsburg, WV 25405

FAX or EMAIL your BATFE paperwork to:

The form can also be submitted via facsimile to the NFA Branch at (304) 616-4501 or may be scanned and emailed to

Information located within this article is current as of February, 2024. Information located within this article is an original guide created by National Gun Trusts and not to be cited or used without the written permission of National Gun Trusts.

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