*ATF Updated the ATF Form 1, Form 4, Form 5 Paperwork - Previous Versions Obsolete*

UPDATE: September, 2019 the ATF has published a revised the ATF 5320.4, ATF 5320.1, and the ATF 5320.5 for NFA Firearm applications.  Updates include ATF 4473 style background check questions, including: Ethnicity, Race, Social Security Number, Date of Birth, and UPIN information (if applicable).  The changes according to Instructions Box of the updated ATF Form 1, Form 4 and Form 5, most notably the Social Security Number and UPIN information state, "assists with the efficient completion of the NICS background check."  You can find the updated ATF Form 1, Form 4 and Form 5 on all of our walk-through guides.  

The revised and updated ATF Form 1, ATF Form 4, and ATF Form 5 paperwork clearly states that, "Previous Editions Are Obsolete".  This means if you submit an ATF Form 1, ATF Form 4, or an ATF Form 5 using a previous version, there is a high chance that your application will be automatically denied.  This means you would then need to resubmit the correct paperwork for your application to be processed. 

All of our ATF walk-through guides [ATF Form 1, ATF Form 4, ATF Form 5], ATF Form Generators, and the ATF Form 1, ATF Form 4, and ATF Form 5 example paperwork have been updated to have the most current information.

The changes to the new, September, 2019 ATF Form 1, ATF Form 4, and the ATF Form 5 are listed below:

ATF Form 1, Form 4 and Form 5 Background Check Questions were added:

  • Social Security Number (See instructions 3C).  This is your social security number.  This box is not required to be filled out.  Instructions 3C state: "Social Security Number and UPIN. The Social Security number and UPIN are not required. However, this information assists with the efficient completion of the NICS background check. Please be aware that refusal to provide this information may result in a delay in the NICS background check process."

  • Date of Birth.  This is your date of birth.

  • Ethnicity.  This is your ethnicity.  Options are: "Hispanic or Latino" or "Not Hispanic or Latino". 

  • Race. This is your race.  Options are: "American Indian or Alaska Native", "Asian", "Black or African American", "Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander", or "White". 

ATF 5320.23 2019 Revision - Race - Ethnicity

Citizenship and Birth Questions were added:

  • Country of Citizenship. This is your country of citizenship.  Options are: "United States of America" or "Other Country/Countries."  If you select the "Other Country/Countries" box, you are expected to specify what your country/countries of citizenship is/are. 

  • State of Birth. This is state that you were born in. 

  • Country of Birth. This is the country that you were born in and might be different than question 9a.

ATF 5320.23 September 2019 Revision Citizenship - Birth Questions

Unique Personal Identification Number (UPIN) Questions were added:

  • Unique Personal Identification Number (See instructions 3C).  This is your Unique Personal Identification Number (UPIN).  If you don't have a UPIN, select "No" for this question.  If you have a UPIN, you will select the "Yes" box, but you aren't required to enter that number. Instructions 3C state: "Social Security Number and UPIN. The Social Security number and UPIN are not required. However, this information assists with the efficient completion of the NICS background check. Please be aware that refusal to provide this information may result in a delay in the NICS background check process."

ATF 5320-23 2019 Revisions - UPIN

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