Does your ATF $200 Tax Stamp Check Address Need to Match Your Application Address?

Earlier this year the ATF changed from Bank of America to process their payments to U.S. Bank. The ATF uses a bank lockbox service.  This service means that payments made for your ATF Form 1 and ATF Form 4 applications are mailed to the bank lockbox service.  This is where the "ATF" processes your tax stamp application payment.  What happens if the address on the check that you are using as a form of payment for your tax stamp doesn't match the address on your ATF Form 1 or ATF Form 4 application?  The address on your $200 payment for your tax stamp application doesn't need to match the address on your ATF Form 1 or ATF Form 4 application.  The ATF doesn't directly process the payment, U.S. Bank's lockbox service does, so having a different address doesn't matter.  The most important factor when using a check to pay for your tax stamp is to make sure that your checking account has sufficient funds to pay for your tax stamp.

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