Suppressor Meltdown! 700 round burst through an M249 SAW!
by National Gun Trusts
"The suppressor used in this video was a Silencerco SWR branded can. We fired 700 rounds in one continuous burst through a full-auto M249 saw. The can ended up breaking around the 350-400 round mark. The gun itself ran wonderful and had no problems. The only problem we had afterwards was someone was going to have to clean it. We wanted to see how far we could push a full-auto rated suppressor." - West Coast Armory
The ATF Form's often reference a transferee and transferor throughout the forms themselves. The terminology can be confusing at times, going back and forth between the two. The definitions from t...
If you are receiving - Code: 1020 | Description: Missing mandatory Field 'T2_RFP' 2.37, you will need to have the .EFT File corrected. If you have an .EFT File editor, you can edit the file to fix ...
If you are receiving - Code: 1013 | Description: Illegal characters found: " " in Field 'T1_ORI', you will need to have the .EFT File corrected. If you have an .EFT File editor, you can edi...