We are getting reports from applicants that are using the ATF eForm 4 applications having issues seeing the passport photo that is uploaded to the application. Reports are that this is normal and shouldn't cause any issues with your application if you have properly uploaded your passport photo during the application process.
If you are receiving - Code: 1020 | Description: Missing mandatory Field 'T2_RFP' 2.37, you will need to have the .EFT File corrected. If you have an .EFT File editor, you can edit the file to fix ...
If you are receiving - Code: 1013 | Description: Illegal characters found: " " in Field 'T1_ORI', you will need to have the .EFT File corrected. If you have an .EFT File editor, you can edi...
As of December 16th, the ATF's eForm site is down for an unknown reason or amount of time. The ATF's eForm site is normally down for maintenance on Wednesday's. This issue is outside of the norma...