Do you Have to Mail the CLEO Copies of your ATF Forms to your CLEO or Does the ATF Automatically Send Them?

When applying for a tax stamp, whether that is as an individual or as a gun trust, you will need to send the CLEO copies of the ATF Forms (the ATF Form itself and the ATF 5320.23 if applicable) to the CLEO named within your application.  The ATF doesn't automatically send the CLEO the CLEO copies of your application.  If you are applying using the ATF's eForm 1 website, you are still responsible for send the CLEO copies of your paperwork to your CLEO.  

Below is an excerpt from the ATF Form 4 indicating this.  The language is similar within the ATF Form 1 and ATF Form 5: 

"The applicant shall direct the 3rd copy (CLEO) complete copy of the form to the chief law enforcement officer as provided in instruction 2f and item 12.

2f. Law Enforcement Notification. The transferee must provide a copy of the Form 4 to the chief law enforcement officer (CLEO) who has jurisdiction over the area of the transferee’s address shown in item 2a of the Form 4. In addition, if the transferee is other than an individual, a copy of the Form 5320.23, National Firearms Act (NFA) Responsible Person Questionnaire, completed by each responsible person must be provided to their respective chief law enforcement officer. The chief law enforcement officer is considered to be the Chief of Police; the Sheriff; the Head of the State Police, or a State or local district attorney or prosecutor.

12. The transferee is to provide notification of the proposed acquisition and possession of the firearm described on this Form 4 by providing a copy of the completed form to the chief law enforcement officer in the agency identified below"

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