eForms are Back! The ATF 5320.1 - ATF Form 1 can now be eFilled with the ATF

The ATF has brought back the ability to file your ATF 5320.1 Application to Make and Register a Firearm with their eForm's system.  The eForm greatly decreases the wait time for your ATF 5320.1 approval time frame.  Our customers are seeing 10 to 15 day approval time frames when using the ATF eForms.  The ATF eForms are only available with the ATF 5320.1 Application to Make and Register a Firearm form.  The ATF 5320.4 Application for Tax Paid Transfer and Registration of Firearm form we heard is arriving soon.  But we haven't received an exact time frame from the ATF.  If you plan using the ATF eForms to apply for your ATF 5320.1 tax stamp, don't hesitate to use our ATF eForm 1 Walk-Through Guide

To use the ATF eForm system and apply using the eForm system you can view the eForm's website here. - ATF eForm System

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