When you are requesting to have your NFA firearm(s) removed removed from the NFRTR, you will simply need to email or mail a letter to the ATF requesting the removal. You can use our ATF NFRTR Removal Letter Generator Below:
ATF NFRTR Letter Requesting Removal of a SBR/SBS Title 2 Status Generator
Based on submitted date we are seeing that the NFRTR removal request can take from one month up to two months time. You will receive a letter back from the ATF stating that the, "Requested Adjustments made to the National Firearms Registration and Transfer Record." has been updated, as shown below.
If you are receiving - Code: 1020 | Description: Missing mandatory Field 'T10_SAP' 10.13 IDC:15, you will need to have the .EFT File corrected. If you have an .EFT File editor, you can edit the fil...
Setting up and creating a Texas Gun Trust is less complicated than you might think. Gun trusts are used typically in conjunction with NFA firearms, e.g., silencers, short barreled rifles, machine ...
When making an NFA firearm, e.g. SBR, Silencer, SBS, etc., you will need to have the applicant name, city and stated engraved on the firearm before the NFA firearm is made. But what happens if I ha...