Kansas State NFA Rules and Allowable NFA Items

Kansas is a state that respects gun owner’s rights to own all types of firearms and NFA items. There are no restrictions on owning NFA weapons in Kansas, as long as they are properly registered with the federal government. In addition, a person engaging in legal hunting may employ the use of a silencer while doing so.

Possession of NFA Items:

Statute 21-4201: Criminal use of weapons.
      Criminal use of weapons is knowingly:

(6) possessing any device or attachment of any kind designed, used or intended for use in suppressing the report of any firearm;
(7) selling, manufacturing, purchasing, possessing or carrying a shotgun with a barrel less than 18 inches in length or any other firearm designed to discharge or capable of discharging automatically more than once by a single function of the trigger

(i) Subsections (a)(6) and (7) shall not apply to or affect any person or entity in compliance with the national firearms act, 26 U.S.C. 5801 et seq.

Shall Certify Statute

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas:
Section 1.     (a) When the transfer of a firearm requires certification by a chief law enforcement officer in accordance with 27 C.F.R. § 479.85, in effect on January 24, 2003, a person may apply for such certification to a chief law enforcement officer. Within 15 days of receipt of a request for certification, the chief law enforcement officer shall provide such certification and approve the transfer unless a condition as provided in 27 C.F.R. § 479.85 exists which the chief law enforcement officer cannot certify because of specific acts or information directly related to the applicant. A generalized belief by the chief law enforcement officer that certain types of firearms have no lawful purpose or should not be possessed even by those who are not otherwise prohibited by law from possessing or receiving them shall not be sufficient reason to deny certification under this section. If certification of the application is not completed, the chief law enforcement officer, or such officer's designee, shall provide written notification to the applicant that certification of the application cannot be completed and the reason for such denial of certification.
 *Note: Emphasis Added

Legal Disclaimer:

This information is provided as a service to the public. It is NOT intended as legal advice and should never be considered as such. This information was up to date at the time of publication.

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