Which FD-258 Fingerprint Card Do I Need From the ATF Distribution Center?
When ordering fingerprint cards from the ATF Distribution Center, there are three options.
- FBI FD-258FA - FFL Application ORI WVATF1100
- FBI FD-258EX - Explosives Applications ORI WVATF0900
- FBI FD-258LE - NFA, Imports ORI WVATF0800
The fingerprint cards that will be accepted by the ATF for NFA applications is the last option - FBI FD-258LE - NFA, Imports ORI WVATF0800. These are the fingerprint cards that you will need to order from the ATF Distribution Center. The fingerprint cards ordered from the ATF can take 1 week to 3 weeks to be delivered. If you need fingerprint cards sooner than that timeframe, you can order your fingerprint cards here - ATF Compliant FD-258 Paper Fingerprint Cards.