ATF Tax Stamp Application Statuses Explained

When you are call the ATF to check the status of your tax stamp, you will generally receive one of four options.  We describe each below.

ATF Tax Stamp Application Statuses:

  • None - Your tax stamp application has not been received or hasn't been entered in the ATF's system yet.  This status can take a few weeks to changed to pending. 
  • Pending - Your tax stamp application has been received and entered into the ATF's system.  Your payment method for your tax stamp application has been charged or cashed.  Your tax stamp status won't change until you either have been approved/denied or their is an error in your tax stamp application.  
  • Error - Your tax stamp application has an error.  This can range from an issue with your fingerprint cards to the information included in your tax stamp application, e.g. the ATF needs to verify the serial number of your NFA firearm with a photo.  When an error occurs, you will receive a letter in the mail to rectify the issue with your application.  In the case of purchasing a NFA firearm through a SOT dealer, your SOT dealer will receive the correction letter and contact you to make the necessary changes.  Failure to make the changes within 30 days of the correction letter might result in a denial of your application and require you to reapply.  You can review the most common errors according the ATF here
  • Approved - Your tax stamp application is approved.  Your tax stamp will be mailed to you or your SOT dealer, depending on how you applied.  The approval date to the actual receipt of your physical tax stamp can take up to a month, more information is available here

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