When Do You Mail the CLEO Copies of Your Paperwork to Your CLEO?
When you apply for a tax stamp using either the ATF Form 1, ATF Form 4 or ATF Form 5, you are required to notify the CLEO (Chief Law Enforcement Officer) who you named within your tax stamp application. When do you mail the CLEO that you named within your application the CLEO copies of your paperwork?
ATF Form 1, ATF Form 4, ATF Form 5: The CLEO copies of your ATF Form 1, ATF Form 4, ATF Form 5, and ATF 5320.23's (if applicable) will be mailed at the same time you mail your paperwork to the ATF.
ATF eForm 1: The CLEO copies of your ATF Form 1 and ATF 5320.23's (if applicable) will be mailed after you have received your ATF Form 1 from the ATF with a "submitted" watermark on the ATF Form 1. Unless your application goes into the "pending research" phase, your ATF Form 1 will be emailed to you shortly after you have signed and submitted your ATF Form 1 on the ATF's eForm website.